One of my summer must-haves for kids is a "Big Ideas Bin," a box full of paper, tape, and a pair of scissors.
That's it!
It's incredible to see how creative kids can get with just these three simple resources. The one rule I have for this bin is that I only fill it up once per summer, so my kids have to self-monitor what's available. Most often, the supplies are used in a free-for-all fashion, but every now and then I switch things up with a design challenge.
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Here are 10 tried-and-true paper engineering challenges that have been fun and engaging for my own kids:
1. Chain Challenge
Using a small (6"x8") rectangular sheet of paper, cut strips and loop the paper with tape to form links in a paper chain. The participant who can make the longest chain with a single sheet of paper wins.
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2. Airplane Challenge
Using a single sheet of paper — of any size — design a paper airplane and toss it through the air. See who can fly theirs the farthest or who can get theirs to land closest to a specific target.
3. Penny Bridge Challenge
Using a single sheet of cardstock paper, create a bridge that will span between two items (such as a stack of books). Add pennies, one by one, until the paper bridge collapses. The participant whose bridge can hold the heaviest stack of pennies wins.
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4. Index Card Challenge
Using just a single index card, cut a hole that is large enough for a person to fit through. The paper must form a continuous loop. No tape allowed. Is it possible? It sure is! See our step-by-step solution and prepare to wow your friends!
5. Egg Drop Challenge
Using just 3 sheets of standard printer paper, create a vessel to safely transport an egg from a vertical height of 10+ feet. For younger participants, you can increase the allowable materials and/or lower the drop height.
6. Column Challenge
Using a single sheet of paper, create paper columns. Arrange your columns and see how many books will stack before the columns buckle.
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7. Marble Track Challenge
Using a single sheet of 12x12-inch cardstock paper, create a marble track that can be taped to a wall. The participant who can successfully make marble travel the farthest distance wins.
8. Skyscraper Challenge
Using just 3 sheets of paper, see who can create the tallest, free-standing structure. Increase the difficulty of this challenge by requiring each structure to hold a designated object at the peak.
9. Fashion Challenge
Decide on a paper limit and design a wearable piece of fashion. Walk the runway to show off your work.
10. City Challenge
Decide on a paper limit and recreate a building in your neighborhood. Arrange all the buildings together to make a paper city.
Sarah Hauge is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Englewood, Greenwood Village, Centennial, Colo.
Check out the links below for even more fun!
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